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TruckingOffice – #1 Trucking Software For Truckers
It’s time to learn from the past to make next year better. TruckingOffice PRO trucking software and TruckingOffice ELD provide the data for you to set owner-operator goals for the coming year.
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​ TruckingOffice – #1 Trucking Software For Truckers
It’s time to learn from the past to make next year better. TruckingOffice PRO trucking software and TruckingOffice ELD provide the data for you to set owner-operator goals for the coming year.
The post Owner-Operators Goals for Next Year appeared first on TruckingOffice. 

During this last week of the year, we here at TruckingOffice have a question for you owner-operators. What can we do to help you? Do you have plans for next year? Goals?

What changes do you need to make to make your trucking business successful? What do you need?


Is there something you can do to change your business next year?

Probably you already you have an answer in mind. There’s something you want to improve, if only you had the time, the information, or the chance.

At the end of the year, we can look back at the mistakes, the blown opportunities, the wrong turns we took in our business.

Took the wrong job for the wrong amount of pay.Failed to take care of a small maintenance issue – which blew up later.Didn’t invest in the business back then and now wish we had.

Looking Backward to Plan Forward

The last week of the year, we can look at the plans and goals we’d set in January. What happened?

It’s likely that if you paid attention to that list of goals, you’ve achieved some of them. Maybe all of them. (YEAH!) But it’s way too easy to get distracted by the day-to-day business. Or to get bogged down by the problems and not take the long view. Owner-operator goals for their trucking business may need more time or more attention for success. That’s what we here at TruckingOffice want to help you.

Boy, that’s a downer start, isn’t it? We don’t want any owner-operator to stay stuck in that negative mindset. Especially when we have great hopes for next year – and for you.

Welcome to the new year!

Do you have a vision for what you want to build in your trucking company? Is your vision big enough? Bright enough?

Are you ready for what comes with it? Do you know what you need to make it happen?

It’s time to learn from the past to make next year better. Next year may be as bad as this year, or it may be better. We have as much control over the economy and the traffic as we have on the weather.

But what we do have is last year’s data. Especially if you’ve used a complete trucking management software like TruckingOffice PRO.

When you have data, you will

avoid taking the bad trip and not getting paid fairly because you know your valueknow when that maintenance task should be scheduled instead having an on-the-road crisisinvest in your business with intelligence and a reasonable hope for growth.

Owner-Operator Goals Need Data

We’ve got your back here. What you need, we may already be able to give you. We’ve got over a dozen reports that can help you build that successful trucking business you dream about.

Dispatches, routing, and invoicing simplified with a single data entry.

Your IFTA and IRP reports are seconds away instead of hours of slog at your kitchen table.

Rig maintenance based on time or mileage is simple to schedule and track.

Next Year’s Owner-Operators Goals

Once you’ve got the lesson’s you learned from last year (the good ones as well as the ones we learned the hard way) you can build a plan for next year. That’s the vision we want you to start the year with. A view to success for next year – and the years beyond.

But maybe you need more.

Let us know what you need. We may already have it! TruckingOffice PRO plus the TruckingOffice ELD may have the solution you need to grow your business.

TruckingOffice PRO wants to help you achieve your owner-operator goals so we’ll give you a free trial of our trucking software! Sign up today to start next year with an eye to success and profit!
